Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pampered Chef Party

Last night I went to Debbie B.'s Pampered Chef party. I don't usually "do" sales parties. Usually regrets are given and I buy something from the hostess to ease my conscience, but Debbie is so sweet I could not tell her no. Actually I HAD told her no, but she lured me with the promise of a mocha skillet cake with a coffee ganache, chicken nachos and virgin margaritas. Who could resist that invitation? I had to rely on my memory of how to get to her house because I had left my invitation stuck to my refrigerator door. I found the road easy enough but when it came to the house number I was without a clue. I knew it was on the left. Finally I saw a driveway full of cars. Some of the cars I even recognized as belonging to people we know. I pulled in, careful to be the last one in the driveway so I could make a quick escape if I became overwhelmed with too much fun. The basement garage door was open making it easier for late arriving guests. I proceeded up the stairs and with a you-who opened the door at the top of the stairs and walked in. Greeting me were about six surprised faces, all of them strangers! I said, "Is this the party?" They just looked at me like I was a crazy bag lady or something! I finally apologized and told them I must be in the wrong house. I high tailed it out the front door. Phooey on superstition, I went out the first door I saw! I got in my car, breathed a big sigh of relief, thanked my lucky stars and drove a little farther down the street. A few doors down Kerry was at the end of the correct driveway, sitting in his Ranger waiting to greet guests and show them where to park on the cul-de-sac. He followed me and brought me back to the house. We all had a big laugh about what had happened to me. Myra said that something like that could only happen to me. I don't know, I highly doubt I'm the only one to ever go into a stranger's house and ask for a party! We had a lot of fun and I wasn't even the first to leave!

I have talked Randy into getting a high speed DSL! I will save my pictures to post till then. It takes a tremendous amount of time to download pictures to this site using dial-up. I already have a cute video of Reece shooting his shootgun at some clay targets he has thrown up in the air. He was inspired by a show he saw on the History channel about Hugh Parsons, the great shooting exhibitionist.

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