Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm trying!

I just don't have anything to say. I could tell you that Shelly went riding with Reece and me yesterday, but I've already told you that. I could tell you that it has rained all day today, sometimes in downpours, but you know rain better than I. Let me tell you about the mud at the barn! It is deep and thick and each hole is full of water, very nasty and no fun at all. Right around the barn is not too bad, but you have to walk through a river of water and mud to get to the gate and the dry lot. The geldings pushed Fancy through the fence last week and skinned her up pretty good. We haven't decided how she got into the dry lot with them but she is pretty clever. She ended up breaking two fence post and the barbed wire. Those devils!!


gloria said...

What a hussy. I thought you and Randy raised her to have values, to keep her goodies to herself. Maybe she's jumping the fence?

Cheri said...

Hope to see photos from your trip this weekend. Now you don't have an excuse of nothing going on!

Anonymous said...

This was Jessica leaving this message.